It's time for reading. (故事時間開始了)
It's called Monster and Muffin. (今日故事為Monster and Muffin)
Look at me. I am little teacher, Danny. Follow me do together. (看看我,我是今日小老師,Danny,跟著我一起做)
Who will be next little teacher? (下一位小老師將又會輪到誰呢?)
It's Shona's turn. Let me tell you what date is today? (輪到Shona了,讓我告訴你今天的日期)
It 's on Friday October 24th. Fly Fly into Friday. (今天是十月二十四日,飛向星期五)
The little teacher is ready to make the question. (小老師正準備發問囉!!)
Are you ready everyone? One Two Three....give me a chance. (大家準備好了沒? 1.2.3...選我選我選我)
What's this? (這是什麼呢?)
Before the story we have to know some vocabularies in the story . (故事的開始前,讓我們先認識一下故事裡將會出現的一些字彙喔!)
Read the word together. (一同唸生字)
It's time to play the word cards! (字卡遊戲開始囉!)
Everyone is listening to the little teacher before playing. ( ㄟ...遊戲之前,請聽小老師的指示唷!)
Two by two then Jump Jump Jump and say the word. (二人一組,認圖卡唸生字)
It's turn to Mandy and Bryan. (這次輪到Mandy和Bryan了)
GoGoGo...We are super kids. (加油加油...我們是超級棒)
We also do the best. We are jumping tiger. (咦~我們也不賴ㄟ,我們是跳跳虎 ㄎㄎㄎ )
Yahoo....I can catch up you too.Good job Darren (呀呼~ 我也能追上你們唷,任務成功,棒極了Darren)
Teacher put the cards let each child try it. (老師放好字卡讓每位孩子試試看)
YA!!...It's a piece of cake. (YA!! 真是輕而一舉)
What the game is next on? (下個遊戲將會又是什麼呢? )
The original is ....(原來是...)
Two by two then make a small circle. (兩人一組圍一個小圈圈)
Listen to the tacher and find the pictuere. (聽聽老師的指示,再協力一同找出正確的圖卡)
Come close to our instruction quickly. (快快快,快接近我們的目標了)
We must be the first winner. (我們一定要是第一贏家)
Next on bigger circle with four people. (緊接著,四個人組成大圓圈)
What are you doing girls? (女孩們,你們在做什麼呢?)
"The dog" is right? (懷疑搞笑中...是否是小狗咧?)
One Two One Two (一.二.一.二)
Hold the hand with your partners. We are going to be the biggest circle. (找你的伙伴們手牽手,我們將要變成大圈圈了)
Small,mdium then large(小,中,大 一步步前進)
Have you found our circle to be much bigger? (你有發現我們的圈圈變大許多嗎?)
What's going on? (發生了什麼事啊?)
The circle is broken by teacher Sean. (我們的大圈圈被Tr. Sean摧毀了)
Hahaha....This means that the game is over. (哇哈哈,意思是"遊戲結束了")
Calm down then Let's follow teacher and review today's story again. (冷靜後,跟著老師再一同複習今日的故事吧!!)
Finally, Let's read it agian together and be a happy ending! (最後,咱們一同唸完,作為快樂的結束囉!)