『Animal Paradise』 Let's talk about cute animals. 動物天堂
It's a guinea-pig not mini-pig. 牠是天竺鼠不是迷你豬喔!
It's goldfish. It has got two big eyes. 牠是金魚,牠有二個大大的眼睛
It's a dolphin. I like dolphin when it jumps out the water. 牠是海豚,我喜歡牠跳出水面的時候
They are mice. They often steal our food. 牠們是小老鼠,他們常常偷吃我們的食物
The squirrle, it likes to climb the tree and eat nuts. 松鼠喜歡爬樹也喜歡吃堅果
The gaint panda, Is it at Taipei Zoo? 咦!!大熊貓耶....牠不是動物園的「圓仔」嗎?
Line up, everybody 排排隊,起步走....
Look at our cute animals. 瞧瞧這些,我們可愛的動物
Protect animals and No hunting. 愛護動物也絕不可獵殺牠們喔!!
It's ready to go back their own place. 牠們也到了該回家的時候