Before the song and dance , we are going to review the story. 歌舞開始前,先複習一下"Reindeer"
Find your partner and practice the actions 先來找我的麻吉一起來練習舞步吧~
One more time. We try doing the best. 盡全力表現到最好喔!!
We get together and practice again and again.
Are you ready? Let's come some music~~~ 準備好沒呀? 音樂開始....Rudolph~rudolph~
So much fun in our English class. 英文課真是太有趣又好玩><
Happy learning and happy sharing with you 除了快樂學習也與你快樂分享
Who put the most efforts and exercising ? 今天誰最賣力又興奮的啊?
Look at us. We are the best. 看看我們,我們都是最棒的啦!!!
It's formal start. Give us some claps. 正式的要開始了, 來點愛的掌聲吧!!!
Rudolphn, the red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose.