P[p] : Pencil / Pot / PooPoo....
今日Phonics重點有"P" ㄆ
B[b] : Baby / Ball / Banana
還有"B" ㄅ
Do you know these words start with B? Baby [b] , Banana [b] and Ball [b]
Next section Which words do they start with P? Pencil [p], Pot [p] and .....Poopoo[p]
All you got it!!!! 上半場的自然發音課,大家都表現很好!!!!!
Now we are talking about tody. 現在來說說今天的"天氣"與"日期"
Hahaha~~~Tell me How's weather today?
Happy Sunny Friday
今日是令人充滿快樂.陽光的星期五 呦!!!!
But I think it's cold and snowy ????!!!
但是,我感覺今天"冷冷ㄉ"ㄟ....好像是下雪天耶= = (抖抖)
Then....What's month now? It's January.
那麼現在是幾月呢? 是一月
Do you know it's on January ninth ?
and two thousand fifteen. 而且已經邁入2015年了ㄋ