In Sunshine School we learned a lot of English, we can listen, speak, read and wrtie.
在Sunshine School 我們學到許多英文相關的聽.說.讀.寫
Tr. Sean teaches us many vocabulary throght each story everyday.
After the reading, we also can inspire our thinks and opinions from each story.
That's why all the children need to read more but we can read in English
這也是為何,所有孩子們都是需要培養好書閱讀呀~~ 但是我們會讀英文書ㄋ
The science activity: The magic magnet
Why can we adsorb a sheet of tissue with a clip together?
Wow ~ It was amazing for it !!!!! Becasue the magnet has got magnetism.
真令人感到驚奇耶>//< 因為磁鐵富有磁性啦!!!!
The writing work, we can write the capital word and lower case correctly.
寫字時間,我們可以很正確地寫出大小寫的英文字母了喔 O.O
Everyone is writing hard.
認真努力中....木奉 極了!!!!
Sometimes the classmate brought something good to share us becasue we are all good friends.
We have to aprreciate anything we ever have.
心存感恩我們所擁有的,不時有同學與大家分享家中好物,也如老師常說的: 獨樂樂不如眾樂樂 , 有你(妳) 真好....我愛"太陽班" 的好朋友們