Full of the luck 福氣滿載
And full of the happiness 幸福滿滿
Teacher said today is Lantern Festival.
老師說: 今天是元宵節
What???? Lantern....
什麼??? 燈籠......
The origin of Lantern Festiveal, there are many lanterns of various shapes and sizes are hung in the streets.
Oh ~ That's why we draw the lantern today.
喔~ 這就是為什麼今天我們要畫燈籠
But my lantern looks like Picosso's
Let's hurry!!!!!! We are going to do another activity.
快!!!!!!! 我們來接下來另一個活動項目吧~
Make the lantern
Take a happy picture. One two three GO~
照張開心的元宵照~~~ 1.2.3. 開始~~
One more nice. HAPPY~~~~~~~~~
再來一張正經的吧!!! 口合皮 HAPPY~~~~