What a sunny day!!! How about going to the park? It's playing and studying at the same.
趁著晴朗的大好天氣, 不如轉移陣地到公園.....活動蒹上課咧!!!
YA!!!!!!!Good idea~
We usually play in the school but now we are here. Oh ~ YES!!!!
All children lovin' it~ The slide
I am a sailor. Have you sat properly? We are starting off.
今天我是個水手, 你們坐好沒啊 ...正準備要啟航囉~~~ Beeee!!!!!
Thank you, sailor.
Welcom to visit here.
I can read.
All of you, dears~ don't forget to study after your break time.
Happy Thursday Happy sunny day. We like studying in Sunshine School.
快樂星期四 快樂晴天日 我們喜歡到Sunshine School上課了