Hello~Hello~Hello~ Good morning~Good morning~Good morning~ Happy~Happy~Happy....
It's Happy Friday. YA!!!! 今天是快樂星期五耶~
(Reading Time) Where is my broom? 我的掃帚哪裡去了呢?
The story is talking about Lizzy witch.
是女巫Lizzy耶!!!! Witch w-i-t-c-h
She wore a long hat. What is "long hat" ?
Like this!!!! Am I charming? 像我這樣啦!!!!! 有迷人嗎? 呼哈哈~
咻~~~~ Fly over the trees and houses.
Lizzy 飛過樹木飛過房子
A~~~ What is Lizzy looking at?
She saw all of you making a long hat.
她看見你們在做長帽帽啦 >QQ< 原來這頂帽子那麼"夯"
All right!!! By the way, lt's practice the "ring toss".
It's my long hat. Is it long enough?