What do you want to eat? I want to eat ______.
Today we learned about the foods.
今天我們要說說 [食物]喔~ 你要吃什麼呢?
Let's enjoy the delicacies ~
大家一起來享受美食吧 >M<
May I prepare some food for you, lady?
Oh~ Why not, thank you.
當然好呀!!! 謝謝你吔....
The store that sells fried chicken, burger, bread, salad...etc. We specially like to eat fried chicken and burger.
Hi~ Did you eat any food this morning?
Of course!!! I ate some bread and drank some juice for my breakfast.
那當然囉!!! 早餐吃了一些麵包和喝了些果汁
Look!!! These vegetables all are from my grandma's farm. They are fresh and yummy.
快來看,這些蔬菜是都來自於我奶奶農田自己種的呦~~~ 新鮮可口
Happy Birthday to you~ Blow out the candles and cut the cake.
祝你生日快樂耶YA!!! 快吹蠟蠋,切蛋糕了
Are you hungry? Our pizza is made from tuna fish. Let's taste one piece of pizza!!!! >M<
你們肚子餓了嗎? 我們的披薩是由鮪魚作成的呦~ 來嚐一片吧!!!!