(Part1: Self-Care) 生活自理學習
It's the clothes hanger.
It' my first time.
Do you know how to hang up your clothes with it?
Next time, I can help my mother dry the clothes.
So Nice, good girl, Jill!!!!!
One, Two, Three, Four ~ I hung up four clothes.
One more clothes~ Three, Four, Five >N<
(Part2: Story time) 故事時間
Attention~ One.Two...Hands up!!! Let's read a story.
((小狗比飛跳芭蕾)) 可愛的比飛跟其他的狗狗不一樣唷....
WHY??? 為什麼呢咧~~~ 因為牠喜歡音樂也喜歡踮腳走路,更喜歡芭蕾Ballet.....大家七嘴八舌中.....故事待續中!!!! 口合
Reading is a lot of fun.
咦~ 這個是...?
我說呀!!! The Chrildren's Day is coming this Saturday. 原來是星期六就是兒童節了啦~~
Let's say thank you teachers and Happy Children's Day!!!! 謝謝園長還有老師們,兒童節要好快樂ㄛ