Life English << 生活英語>>
Let's learn about "The First Aid Kit" 讓我們來認識"急救箱"吧!!!!
What's this in the bottle? 老師這瓶子裡裝的是什麼呢?
gentian violet 紫藥水 >@@<
(Ice pillow冰枕)
This is ice pillow. When you had high fever , you should have it.
發燒時,你就應該要用這個>>>>>>>>>> 冰枕呦!!!
(thermometer 溫度計)
喂!! 什麼啦? This is a thermometer 這是溫度計啦!!! (我不是在講電話 >< )
(Shot 針筒)
鳴~~~~~~~Nurse, I Don't want to get a flu shot.
護士阿姨...我不要打針啦!!!! 以後我會聽話不吃太多冰淇淋啦 >N<