(( The sense of touch )) 觸覺體驗何不同
Some hard things and some soft things 硬的軟的摸起來有何不一樣的感覺呢?
Warm and Cold
The hot water and ice pillow, let's touch them what they are different.
熱水和冰枕,有何不同 (一個熱的另一個冷的,是溫度上的不同)
When your eyes are covered....What can you feel?
遮著眼,摸摸看...感覺一下 What's that? Hard or soft?
Sunny: Don't see then guess. What's this? 不能看,猜一猜,是什麼東西?
Monica: Soft (That is stuffed toy.) 軟的~ (沒錯,填充玩具有軟軟的)
Bruce: Cold. >///< 冰冰的
Phobe: Soft. (The cotton is soft. ) 棉花是軟的呦~
Denny: (Shaking~) What's in the box? 有什麼東東在盒子內呢?
Stacey: It's a marble. "Hard" 彈珠是硬的!!!
Darren: ㄜ~ It's hard...It should be toy. 應該是玩具,因為是硬的A
Mita: The yellow duck is soft. (It's a rubber duck.) 黃色小鴨是軟軟的
The ribbons and plastic ball
*藉由這次觸覺課程"What" "How" --> 猜一猜,並說出什麼東西什麼感覺,讓孩子有更多不同的思考與表達機會,原來學英文是那麼有趣呀*