We are going to review. 準備要來複習PHONICS嚕~
Each person read one word. Let's go~~~ 就由老師帶領我們一同唸唸看吧!!! (老師:每人唸一個字,Go....)
(Pair reading) 雙人閱讀時間
You read after me.
It's your turn, Byran.
It's turn to Zeo. Good Job!!! 輪到Zeo了...."讚"
We keep doing fine. 表現很不錯呦~
Teacher asked us practice more several times. 老師要我們多練習幾次
If we always review after the class, we will be much better.
只要課後多複習,我們一定會更棒唷!!!! We are Super!!!!!