It's time for the story of Cinderella.
期待的故事時間來了呦!!!!! 今日故事我們遇見了~ [仙度瑞拉]
For a long time ago~A girl who was always poor in this house because all sisters were unkind to her.
One day, the girl, Cinderella, her lucky God is coming.
The fairy changed the pumpikin into a wonderful golden coach for Cinderella.
Cinderella came to the castle by golden coach then met the prince, they had a wonderful dancing night.
The prince had waited for his princess, Cinderella. Because Cinderella is this shoe's host.
王子等待已久的公主,仙度瑞拉終於出現了......原來仙度瑞拉就是這隻鞋的主人.......(The end )
(外師在故事敍述之後,再以小小演出的方式,作為重點式複習,故事主旨簡單分成四段呦~~~ ㄟ這故事的呈現方式,是不是就因此變得更加有笑料勒!!! ) 口合~~~~