(The animals) 動物帝國
What is it? It's a /an ______.
Let's talk about the animals.
The carnivorous and herbivorous animals. 肉食性與草食性動物
<The herbivorous animals>
It's a zebra. It has got black and white stripes.
It's a panda. 貓熊耶!!
Yes!!! The panda likes bamboo. 貓熊喜歡竹子
It's a giraffe. It has got a long neck. It's tall. 這是長長脖子的長頸鹿
It's a kangroo. It carries its babies in the pouch.
What do I look like the elephant that has got a long long trunk? 我看起來有像長長鼻的大象嗎?
What is it? It's black, look likes human. It's a ape. 是黑色又長得像人類的猩猩
口阿~~~ It's a hippo. The strong hippo likes to take a bath. 壯壯河馬喜歡泡澡ㄟ嚕啦啦!!
Look!!! The rhino and hippo are not family, but they look the same size.
<The carnivorous animals>
It's savage and scary. Ho~~~~~~~~It's a tiger!!! 吼~~ 兇猛又可怕的老虎
It's also scary~~~~~ The lion!!!!
咦~~~How about the snake? It's a reptiles and it also can eat animals.
那麼蛇又是什麼類型的動物呢? 它是爬行動物....而且大蛇還有辦法吃掉你們這些動物ㄛ >X<
We love all of the animals, welcome to play with us!!!!! 歡迎你一同和我們進入動物園喔~~~