What is an insect? 「昆蟲」是什呢? 又有哪些是我們常見認識的呢?
The "ANT". It's very tiny. 牠就是很小很小的"螞蟻"雄兵之一啦~
The "MOTH". When the moth grows up, it will be butterfly. 蛾長大後,會變成蝴蝶耶 >V<
The moth usually flies toward the light. 飛蛾撲火,你聽說過嗎?原來牠喜歡亮亮的燈火
The "BUTTERFLY" It looks very beautiful. 漂亮的"蝴蝶"姐姐
The "MOSQUITO' It can fly and sting you. 愛咬人的"蚊子"
I dislike mosquitoes . They make me uncomfortable. 我不喜歡蚊子,因為牠會讓我不舒服ㄟ
The "LADYBUG" 是"瓢蟲"
Its color is very bright. 牠的顏色很鮮明耶!!!
The"GRASSHOPPER" It can hop. 會彈跳的"蚱蜢"先生
Is it like me? Hopping hopping hopping~~ 像我一樣...跳跳跳嗎?
The "FROG" It's not insect. 呱呱呱叫的青蛙不是昆蟲唷...
The "CRAB" It's not insect, too. 還有螃蟹也不是 >M<
The "DRAGONFLY" It appears before rain. 下雨前會出來玩耍的"蜻蜓"
It's time to play. 遊樂時間嚕~~~
Let's find your insect. 快快找出你的昆蟲吧!!!
Wow.....So many kinds of insects~ 哇呼....好多種昆蟲哦!!!