<English Class>
1. What does your family like to do? They like to ____________.
They like to go to the zoo. 喜歡去動物...ㄎㄎㄎ
They like to have a picnic and my sister and I like, too. 喜歡去野餐....我和姐姐也喜歡呦!!!
So do we. 我們家也是耶 >m<
Go shopping very often 購物是他們的最常的....哈哈,我也一定會加入迪 >N<
My family likes to go shopping at the weekend and sometimes likes to go for a walk.
And you? What do you like to do? I like to go to zoo becasue I like animals.
那你呢?你喜歡做什麼呢? 我喜歡去動物園,因為我喜歡動物
2. What do you do in the morning? I get ready to go to school.
你早上在做什麼呢? 準備上學去
Tidy my bed after getting up 起床後,我會整理我的床
I get dressed then comb my hair. 換洋裝後再梳梳頭
Wave "good bye" to my parents then go to school. 向爸爸媽媽說再見後,然後上學去