(English Class) -The superlative
Let's go with me!!!!!!!! 讓我來告訴你們吧 >M<
Strong --> stronger --> the strongest
Jeff is "the strongest" student of all.
Jeff是所有學生裡面,"最" 強壯的
Small --> smaller --> the smallest
The mouse is "the smallest" animal in the zoo.
在動物園裡,老鼠是"最" 小的
Big --> bigger --> the biggest
The elephant is "the biggest" animal in the zoo.
在動物園裡,大象是"最" 大的
Young --> younger --> the youngest
Kelly is "the youngest" in the class.
在班上,Kelly年紀是"最" 小的
Hot --> hotter --> the hottest
Today is "the hottest" day in this month.
今天是這個月裡,"最" 熱的一天
Cover the word, do you know the hippo is the _____ in the zoo?
字卡蓋起來....不準偷看呦!!! 換你說說看,在動物園裡,河馬是 "最" 怎麼的勒?