Do you know how important the water is?
今天英文課,就要讓我們更清楚知道『Water 』的重要性
We brush the teeth and rinse the mouth everyday.
Do the washing 洗手手時
PUPU Flush the toilet 便便沖水時
PEE You must flush it, too. 還有尿尿沖水時 >N<
Do the housework 做家事時
Wipe the table 擦桌子時
Mop the floor 拖地時
Help my mother to wash the dishes 幫忙媽媽洗洗碗時
Yes!!!Yes!!!! Washing the dishes without the water is not convenient.
是的是的!!! 沒水洗碗時,是多麼不方便呀 ....喔不!!! ><
Don't forget.........Drink 2L WATER a day!!!!!!!!!! 別忘了,一天都要喝2公升的水喔!!!
~ Always be grateful to the ones who gave~ We are in need of WATER.