Make the circle, then start our English activity. 圍個圈,開始我們的主題囉!!!
Spinning the bottle, who will be next answer?
What time is it? It's twleve o'clock. 現在幾點鐘? 十二點
Are you ready? Tell me, where are you going? Bathroom
What day is it? It's Sunday.
What is this? This is a slide.
(Clean <---> Dirty)
Two towels, One is clean, another is dirty. 一條是乾淨的毛巾,另一條是髒的
(Old <---> New)
One is old car, another one is new car.
(Long <---> Short)
One is long ruler, another is short ruler.
(Big <---> Small)
Tell me, which Yo-Yo is bigger? 哪一個Yo-Yo比較大呢?
What do you like to eat? I like to eat fish.
你喜歡吃什麼呢? 我喜歡吃魚
Spinning it. Who will be next? 大力的轉~~~~~下一位是!!??
What book do you like to read? I like to read the story.
你喜歡讀什麼書? 我喜歡故事書唷!!!
Tell me, what is slow animal? The ....turtle.
告訴我,什麼動物動作是慢的? 烏龜
(Phonics class) --> 月亮班
Let's listen to teacher. Attention~先認真聽聽,老師說哦!!!
C c --> Clap
Let's read loudly it again. 再一次一起大聲唸......
P p --> Pep 今天大家都很棒唷!!!! "讚" Good Job on Monday~~~~~~~