(English - Coversation Review)
What do you like to eat? 你喜歡吃什麼呢?
I like the fish. 我喜歡魚.......
I like the chicken. May I have some chicken, please? 我喜歡雞肉...我可以來一些雞肉嗎?
(Phonic - Review "Y & Z" )
The game of Skipping over and throwing a dice 骰子遊戲
"Y" moved to the third blank 前進到第三格....嘿嘿 >M<
Next one 輪到我們這一組了~~
The same number, it's three!!! 還是一樣擲到3 口合!!!!!
Y y --> yacht 帆船 Z z --> Zebra斑馬
Our number is ONE. Move to next blank. 再前進一格囉!!!!
Z and Y is much closer. Z和Y越來越接近了, 看看誰會先到終點呢?
Y y --> yolk蛋黃 Z z --> Zero 數字"零"