(Conversation in Kid's Talk)
What are you going to do in the future? I am going to water skiing.
英文會話 ===> 你未來將要做什麼呢? 我將來想要去沖浪滑水哦~~~超酷的!!!!
Sightseeing 觀光遊覽
We are going to sightseeing all over the world. 未來想到世界各地,到處觀光遊覽
Play the parachute ===> Playing the parachute is exciting. 降落傘肯定是驚險刺激吧><
Have a wonderful scuba diving in Maldives. 來趟馬爾地夫,美麗絕頂的潛水之旅
Rock climbing ==> If I could be a spiderman in the future, I have a rock climbing in Clark Mountain!!!
未來如果可以化身成Spiderman,還真想到著名的Clark Mountain攀岩 >B<