(Science time - Life Cycle of a Frog )
We are going to tell you about the frog's life.
今天自然生態探索課談到了青蛙的一生~ 呱哇呱口瓜口瓜口瓜 .....
Mr. and Mrs. frogs are married> >>>Mr. Tree Frog lies on top of Mrs. Tree Frog in order to "mate".
They are so small. 牠們是那麼那麼的小耶 ><
They grow up and change. We called them "Tadpoles".
When the tadpoles grow up, they are into frogs.
They have got a tail. 在成長的過程中,牠們還會長出了尾巴ㄛ~
Grow up!!!!! Are we like the frogs? 長大囉!!!!! 我們這樣有像青蛙嗎?
(Dancing time) --> I like to Move it Move it
Come some music, let's dance!!!!!! 來點音樂 (馬達加斯加"I like to Move It Move It") 跳舞吧~~~~~~~
(Ya Like To ~ MOVE IT!)
(All Girls All Over The World)
(Original King Julian Pon Ya Case Man! I Love How All The Girls A Move Their Body.....)
It's great on Wednesday. 美好星期三 , 喔耶史~~YES!!!!