(Conversation Class)
What do you have?
I have a _______.
你有什麼東西呢? 我有.....
Could you tell me what you have at home ? 小朋友們告訴我,你們家有什麼(玩具)呢?
Everybody tried to answer enthusiastically. 大家表現踴躍ㄋ
Teacher Xyrene told us all the toys we have. 先把今天所有的玩具一一介紹一番
Each one came out then answered teacher's question before showing your toy.
I have a fishing rod. 我有一根釣漁竿
I have a frog puppet. 呱呱呱....我有一個青蛙手偶
I have puppet, too. Mine is Hello Kitty. 我有是Hello Kitty的呦~~
I have a stuffed rabbit. 我有一個小兔兔布偶
I have a sticker book. 我有一本黏紙簿
I have a basketball. 我有一顆籃球
Mine is soccer. 我的是足球
I have a toy piano. 我有一台玩具鋼琴
I have a remote control car. 我有一台遙控汽車
I have four toy cars. 我有四台玩具車車
I have a key chain. 我有一個鑰匙圈