Two more days, it's going to be Dragon Boat Festival.
Let's celebrate this special festival !!!! 再兩天就是端午節了,今天先一同慶端午吧!!!!
You should know "SACHET". 你應該要知道"香包"
Sachet smells good. What's that inside? 聞起來香香的....是有什麼東西在裡面呢?
Sachet could keep the worms away. 古人說:端午節戴上香包,有驅除蟲子的作用吔!!!
Another one, it's the "MOXA". 另外一個寶物就是"艾草"了
Touch and feel it. Does the moxa also keep worms away?
We usually hang it up on the door.
摸一摸,感覺看看....它也是有驅蟲的神力嗎!!!??? 通常我們會把艾草懸掛在家門外,作為避邪.... (哇...那麼神奇呀@@~~)
On Dragon Boat's Day, we also have sachet and moxa.
The yummy Zong Zi 好吃好香的粽子,這是端午節必吃的美食哦~
One day two Zong Zi, it's enogh for you.
美食當前,但醫生說,一天最多吃二顆唷~~ 才不會變蛙青肚肚@@
Traditional activity- 傳統活動
Standing-up the egg 立蛋
Dragon boat race 龍舟賽
Like us!!!!! GOGOGOGO!!!!! It's an exciting dragon boat race.
模擬現場...Action.....精彩又刺激的划龍舟比賽 (~~咚隆咚隆~~~~厚嘿嘿厚嘿嘿~~~呼嚕呼嚕~~GOGOGO~~~)
Eat the Zong Zi 家家戶戶吃粽子
Which Zong Zi do you like, sweet or salt flavor?
Let's open it and enjoy the Zong Zi!!!! 打開香香的粽葉,嚐嚐鮮吧~~~
Teacher told us what stuffs are inside. Teacher為我們介紹粽子的材料有....meat,yolk,mushroom
Lucky you, we tasted first!!! 幸運者的奬勵...搶先一步囉!!! (好吃耶!!!)
輪到我們了!!!! (喔耶YA~~)