(The dancing rehearse)-歌舞的幕後花絮
Let's dance with music. 跟著音樂一起搖擺~
I like to move it,move it
She likes to move it,move it
He likes to move it,move it
You like to ("move it") ~~~
(Science Class) - Insect or Spider?
How many legs does the spider have? 數一數蜘蛛有幾隻腳呢?
Is the bee an insect? 咦!!! 蜜蜂是昆蟲嗎?
What are their names?
接續, 老師要為我們介紹不同種類的蜘蛛哦!!!!
The spider has got many kinds of type.
What? It's a Violin Spider @@ Did you see this type before???
蜘蛛有很多種,你知道有哪些呢??? 什麼!! 還有外形很像小提琴的蜘蛛 @@
It look likes a crab so we called it " Crab Spider". 與看起來像螃蟹的蜘蛛....
啊鳴~~ The wolf Spider >X<
這是會的叫"啊嗚~~"的野狼蜘蛛嗎? >X<
To rob your eyes and come close!! Is it an ant, isn't it? NO!!!!! It's a Ant Spider.
擦亮你的眼...靠近點!!! 這真的不是螞蟻啦...只是像螞蟻的蜘蛛 是不是很特別呀!!!
ㄜ~~~It's a little bit odd. It isn't a real wheel, it is Wheel Spider.
好奇怪的蜘蛛吔!!! 既然跟輪子長得一模一樣耶~~~