(Math MPM)
How many? 一共有多少?
< Exercise - 習題1 >
Blue or Red...Draw a line to the number!!!!!
< Exercise - 習題2 >
Count the fish then connect to the number.
< Exercise - 習題3 >
活動附件 - 數一數並貼上相同的帽子吧!!!!
How many blue things are there ? 有多少藍色的東西呢?
It's five blue ones. 共有五個是藍色的唷!!!!
Review- 複習時間~
Put the correct blocks in each oval 排出正確的顏色及方塊在每一個橢圓形裡.....
Who is the first one finished? 看誰先完成....
(Phonics) - 字母與發音
A a > An apple
C c > A cat
E e > An elephant
D d > A dog
F f > A flower
(記憶大考驗) Listen and say
仔細聽Teacher 唸哦~ 看誰壓對寶 (><)
老師說: F f A flower
(Fishing Game)
I like the "DOG". D d, DOG
The beautiufl FLOWER F f , FLOWER Wow~ George, Very Good!!!!!!!
I like the " CAT". C c , CAT
(自然發音學習的好處,就是讓學美語的孩子能以短時間內,看到英文單字就能輕鬆簡單的唸出來唷!! 孩子們一點一滴,不斷地努力學習....果真進步了不少....加油呦~~)