(Reading & Phonics)
Let's start the story of Chicken Chips and Peas
今日故事:Chicken Chips and Peas
Big Bad Fast Fox, he is going to~
壞壞的Fast Fox這次又要做什麼壞事了勒??
Do you know this time Fast Fox will catch the chicks or not? 這一次Fast Fox能不能抓到小雞呢?
Is Fast Fox silly or smart? 自以為聰明的Fast Fox其實是最笨的呀???
This mornng, Fast Fox reads the magazine and thinks....some ideas. 充滿搜主意的Fox
Fast Fox always chases the chicks. The Mother Hen is going to be crazy and angry.
這次又讓雞媽媽生氣透了 >m< ??
The Mother Hen wakes up and her chicks want their supper ---Corn, Corn....and corn.
Do the chicks get corns successfully?
就趁著小雞們想去吃玉米時,Fast Fox出現了 @@
(Phonics Review)
_ um --> G or K = Gum
_ at --> C or K = Cat
_ ip --> L or R = lip
_ eg --> L or R = leg
_ ad --> Z or S = sad
( Q & A ) 問與答
What ( day ) is today? It 's (Sunday).
The baby is crying, it is (sad).