(English)- Q & A 英文對話II
What are you doing?
What do you like to play?
你正在做什麼呢? / 你喜歡玩什麼呢?
What are you doing?
I am building the castle. 我正在建造一個城堡
Me, too!! I like to play the blocks. 我也愛玩積木
What are you doing?
I am playing the toy car. 我喜歡玩玩具車
What do you like to do?
I like painting. 我喜歡畫畫
We like to play-house. 我們喜歡玩扮家家酒
We like to play the puppet. 我們喜歡玩手偶
I like watercolor. 我喜歡用水彩畫畫
It's the dough. 咦...這是黏土
I like to make something with the dough. 我喜歡用黏土做東西