(English Class)
It's summary reviews!!!!! 總複習
All students are going to answer the questions. 今天課堂上除了QA問答之外,還有英文的字卡複習
What's this? What can we do with roller? What are you doing? What do you like to do?
包括了,這是什麼? 這何時能用? 你正在做什麼? 你喜歡做什麼?
What do you like to do?
I like painting.
What are you doing?
I am playing the doll.
We found the card " Cutter". We play the dough with cutter.
We called it " Rolling the dough".
Cut the dough
I am painting with a brush.
I like to play the dough.
I am playing the blocks.
I am painting.
Teacher, I like jigsaw puzzle.
What is this?
This is a pair of scissors.