(English Class) - The dinosaurs
Do you know how many kinds of dinosaurs exist in the world?
All these dinosaurs look very gaint. Huge body and BIG BIG BIG....Scare me >X<
所有這些恐龍看起來都相當的巨大....大到嚇到我了口拉 >///<
Did you know how the dinosaurs' bone is?
I like this one, "Parasaurolophus".
This one is so funny!!!! The "Styracosaurus" that eat plant. Wow~ I don't believe.
這一個好好笑呦~~ 原來是草食性的戟龍...哇~真讓我不敢相信ㄟ
I love this one " Brachiosaurus". It's very giant. it also is plant-eater.
"Stegosaurus"is plant-eater. Actually, it is very huge and heavy, its length is like a coach.
劍龍也是草食性的咩!!!! 事實上,牠很大之外,重量十足....身長如一輛巴士
I have seen this one " Allosaurus" in the movie.
暴龍吔...我在電影上看過唷 >z<
I found the bone for the dinosaur " Styracosaurus".
And this one is ~ Allosaurus, it's very popular.
吼~ 相當受歡迎的暴龍
You can read the book of dinosaurs , it tells us about many dinosaurs of " Meat eater or Plant eater" .
Wow~ Hoo~ What a interesting class about the dinosaurs!!!! I like it
呀呼~~~真是一堂精彩的恐龍課!!! 我喜歡啦