Today, it's also a good job day!!!! 今天也會是好棒棒的一天哦!!!!
活動1- Reading Class
The story is about Slow dog, Fast fox and Lucky chicks~
這次Slow dog, Fast fox還有幸運小雞又會發生什麼趣事了....會是個Happy End?
(Mother Hen is crying....Slow dog takes a cup of tea to her. )
Slow dog: Are you OK? 妳還好嗎? 別哭了啦雞媽媽....來喝杯茶,解悶唄!!!!
< Missed >
Follow me to the trail.....I missed chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!
< Puppet >
What's this? It's a PUPPET....Hooo~ Lalala~
ㄜ~~是Puppet吶 >////<
< The ball >
Here is the ball, not my chicks @@
這是球, 但不是我的小雞啦 >///<
Slow dog and Mother Hen fell down and rolled down the hill.
情急中,Slow dog 和雞媽媽都滾到山下去了 Oh~~ NO!!!
活動2 - Across the triangles
< Hop > 哇...油厚,叫我No.1
Go ahead!!!!! 準備囉~~~出發!!!!!!
Jump Hop Jump , like a rabbit >B< 小兔子勇往直前 跳 跳 跳
< Crawl forward> 匍匐前進
YA!!!!!!!! Victory 最佳勝利代表 @@