( English Class ) - A disaster of the weathers 天災
The heavy rain has caused flooding and damages , as typhoon.
We are going to show you what type of the disasters are.
Turning around is like strong wind.
我們將告訴你有哪些種類的天災囉? 大風吹...吹得我轉圈圈@@
After the strong wind blew, I look like a crazy girl.
The quick and strong,it's a Tornado. In Taiwan we seldom have it.
台灣少見的龍捲風.....吹得又急又快....呼嚕嚕地~ 走了之後卻會造成嚴重災情
Whatever the weahter is bad or terrible, it must harm our land.
Let's review again. [ Typhoon/ Tornado/ Raining ]
Who can complete these spellings?
Good try, girl!!!! We should remember them in our mind.
那讓我來拼拼看~ 再一起把它們記下來吧~~