(English Class) - At the restaurant
Teacher, I got the most cards.
(Today we reviewed some words about the restaurant. )
Everyone did well, they tried to do the best on their own.
每一個人都相當了不起吔~ 賣力搶答中....
It's a kind of sauce, you usually get some with your French fries.
Oh!! " Ketchup"
老師說:是一種醬料...通常是配著薯條吃的??? "蕃茄醬" 啦!!!
[Takeaway] Buy some food then take it home.
[Eat here] We eat here and go upstairs to find the seat.
[內用] 指的是內用, 上樓找位子
[Waiter & Waitress] The waiter and waitress bring the meal to us.
Check, please ~ 買單
[Wallet] I take some money from my wallet.
[皮夾] 我從我的皮夾拿出一些錢來
[ Customer & Clerk ]
The customer: How much would that be?
The waiter: It's 199 dollars, thanks!!!
收營員: 謝謝你,這一共是一百九十九元