(Kid's Talk) - Who is on the telephone?
We are going to learn about " telephone".
Dial the number....The phone number is 2956-0339
Hello, who is this?
Ok, I call my Mom. 好的,我叫媽媽來聽電話呦!!!
Answer the phone 快呀~~電話有沒回應呢?
No one is at home. 沒人在家吔 >///<
Cut off the phone 掛斷電話
Your phone is ringing. 電話響了
Give you the phone. 電話交給你唷~
Oh..My mom is not at home. 哦...媽咪不在家
Please wait a moment!!!! 請等一下
Take a message. 我拿紙筆,寫一下你的電話喔!!!
Let's review again!!!! 再一起唸一唸"複習" !!!!!!!
Now, It should be easy to answer the phone.
現在,應該可以很容易回應電話了吧^___^ (小朋友們,你有記得幾句咧!!!)