(English Class) - Review
Do you remember the lesson of tools?
Teacher is going to draw all of tools on the white board then we read.
What is number4 ? A nail.
Number 11~
Oops!! I'm almost missed, it's a "P-L-I-E-R-S"
糟糕..口合~我差點忘了這個~ Pliers
Number 9~ A tape measurer
第九個 捲尺
Number 10~ A drill
(Phonics reading) - The group readers
Very good!! 很棒喔!!!
Fine, children!!! 不錯唷~
What are we doing next?
The children, I want you take the card and put it into the correct alphabet.
接著我們要做什麼呢? 小朋友們,我要你們拿字卡後,再把它放到正確的字母
The time is flying. 滴答滴答...時間很寶貴呦 ^________^
Good Job~ You, guys take your time!!!! You should put them right.
很棒耶....好好把握時間,要放到正確的位置比較重要呦 ~