(Reading Class) - Lots of Hearts
Let's review flash cards before the reading.
It's a kind of flower for Mother's Day. We call the flower is "carnation"
"康乃馨" 就是在母親節,獻給媽咪的花花
Mother's Card and a "Heart" for my dear Mother.
母親節卡片與一顆心送給我親愛的媽咪 >M<
This is a heart. 一顆 "心" ~ 啾咪,代表 MY LOVE
This is fishbowl. 這是一個魚缸
The fish live in the fish bowl. 魚兒住在魚缸裡~天天開心的游呀游
The boots, I have a pair of rain boots , too.
"靴子" 咦~我也有一雙雨鞋ㄋㄟ 雨鞋叫,Rain boots
"B-O-O-K" We read together!!!!!
我們一起唸"B-O-O-K"吧, 園長~
It's a doghouse!!! The dogs sleep in the doghouse.
Read again, "Doghouse" and " Dog"
再複習一次吧!!!! 狗屋 和 狗狗 ~~汪~~
The bowl , It's time for lunch, puppies.
吃飯了耶~~~ 這是小狗狗的餐碗哦 ^__^
The baby dog, we call " puppy".
Let's read together!!!!!! Here we go~
再一起唸一次吧!!! 1.2.3 GO!!!!!!!!