(Reading Class)- Dot Has Spots
Today we are going to start this story. Let 's begin !!!!!
今天我們的故事即將來到Dot長水痘~ 喔不....>///<
The "doctor" 醫生
Hi, I'm a beautiful "nurse" 你們好,我是水噹噹護士
Here are your pills. Take your medicine on time.
藥在這裡,請記得準時吃藥哦 ^____^
The "bed" and "bear"
And don't be late for sleeping. 別貪玩了,要早點睡覺哪!!!
Where are my spots?
Look here, my "pajamas" and "bow".
My "hat" and "fan" 我的帽子和扇子
My lovely "bag" 我可愛的袋子
These "toys" 這些玩具
And my stuffs 還有我的東西也有很多點點呦 ~~~
My "blanket" 我的棉被
Now, we are going to finish our "Spots" painting.
Hahaha~~~ Come closer. My hairband also has "Spots"
呵呵呵...你靠近一點啦!!! 有沒有看到ㄋㄟ~
ㄎㄎㄎㄎㄎ~~~ Any spots you like, just do that now!!!!!!!
任何點點,只要你喜歡,就HAPPY自由發揮吧~~~(小肌肉活動...點點畫 ㄡ~~~~~ go!!!)