(English Class) - Action verbs
Let's go doing the actions. 一同來做動作吧!!!
Shout hooray!!!!
It's "SHOUT". 喊叫
All guys!!! Are you okay? You all look powerful, Hahahaha!!!!
小朋友們,你們還好嗎? 看來大家今天活力十足ㄟ~
Now, we get ready to "Stomp" our feet. 準備好沒?
It's "Stomp" 跺腳!!!
Oh!!! But we Cannot shout at people by their ears.
" Stomp" , Does he look like a soldier stomping?
"Nod" , listen to the music and nod the head with melodies.
"Clap" the hands, it means good job then. 拍拍手...表示表現很棒囉~~~ ^____________^