(Healthy Teeth) 健康的牙齒
Today we are going to learn about cleaning the teeth. 今天我們學會說保健牙齒有相關的英文會話呦!!!
Listen and think...認真想一想,老師說的,我做到了沒嗎?
What do you do after getting up every morning? 早上你們都要做什麼呢?
Brush the teeth nicely 好好地刷牙,開始吧~
Let me check your teeth~ "Eeee" 看看我的牙齒,有沒有亮晶晶勒? 口喜~
How many teeh do we have? Let's count again!!!!
我們共有幾顆牙齒呢??? 來算算看吧~
Why is my tooth less than yours? 為什麼我的牙齒比較少呢?
Review and hit the card after teacher said 複習一下吧~~ GO!!!
Brush your teeth~ Rinse your mouth~ 刷刷牙,漱漱口
All you, don't forget regularly clean your teeth even keep being a good habit.