(English Class) - Push or Pull
How to know " Push or Pull" ? Now we are going to do it.
你們知道 "推 與 拉" 的不同嗎? 現在就讓我們親自去體驗看看吧!!!
Push or Pull, teacher told us about theirs difference.
Sometimes we see more easily them in our life.
今天老師要告訴我們-推與拉-他們的相異處~ 有些時候,我們在日常生活當中都有可能會運用到 "推與拉"的原理
For example, Typing mens "push" the button.
例如,電腦打字~指手就運用到"推"囉~ 你發現到了沒呢?
Opening the door means "push".
Moving the box means "Push" forward to front.
Moving the chair like this, can be "push" or "pull"
移動椅子,像是這樣...向前是推,向後是拉~ 哈哈!!! 我很聰明吧 ~~
Now, show you about "pull". I am moving the frame.
接著就來為你們介紹"拉"的不同, 我正在移動(拉)衣架子
I am moving my bag. 我正移動(拉)我的袋子
Wow~ It's a popular sport, we call " tug-of-war"~ One, two, three....We are pulling the rope.
哇...這有名的運動競賽,我們稱之為 -拔河- 1.2.3 用力地 "拉吧"