(Reading Class) - In a Dark Dark House
This story sounds horrible. We are going to the Dark Dark House~~~~~~Hoooo!!!!!!!
What happened to this Dark House? 黑黑的房子裡發生了什麼事呢?
We see a Monster >//< Oh~~NONONO!!!!!!!!!
喔~不 !!!!! 有怪獸出没 @@
For long long time ago. 在好久以前
Open the door and go into the Dark House 就在打開房門的那一刻
Someone saw a cabin moving there. 發現一個會動的木箱
What elses? More suprises in the Dark house?
See you then, next time the Dark House.
黑暗的房子內還會有什麼驚奇之事咧? 讓我們期待下一次的...PART2
(MPM Class) - Numbers
Order the number 數字排序
We count first. 先數一數
Then connect to correct number. 再連線到正確的數字
Everyone is working hard. 太棒了....
Yapee!!! We are No. 1 第一名!!! 完成囉!!!!
Match and Color 配對與著色
Let me try, first!!! All right~ 讓我來試試
Ordering the number is easy for me. It's your turn, now!!!!!