(學習與認知)- Be polite 有禮貌的
We should say " Thank you" when someone share something with you !!!
Then, giver should say " You're welcom"
Na-Na送給 BB 一包餅乾時, BB會說~ 「謝謝」
Teacher: Cookies!!! Here you are.
Yuki: Thank you, teacher.
Let's review again!!!
" Thank you" ~ You're welcome!!!! 再來複習一下, 學會說 「謝謝」和 「不客氣」
( English Class ) - Let's find and count!!!!
Find the hippos and count. How many hippos do you see?
(The Song ) - Here is a sticker
老師要來教我們唱 NEW SONG 囉!!!!
Are you ready? 準備好沒呀?
Here is your sticker~ Here is your sticker for you, for you!
( Enjoy with melodies~ )
Yippee Yippee ya-ya !
(故事時間) - 親愛的,小寶貝
哇呼~~ 小寶貝吔!!! 我親的的...BABY~
你看過寶寶嗎~ 很小的小寶寶哦!!!! 過來看看~