(Reading Class)- The Enormous Turnip 大蘿蔔頭
Let's read and learn, first.
What an enormous turnip!!!! Have you ever heard this story?
首先,先來唸一唸這則故事~ 大蘿蔔的故事,你曾經聽說過嗎?
Wow!!! we have an enormous turnip for our dinner.
Can they pull this enormous turnip out? Continuing our next~
哇~ 晚餐有著落下, 大蘿蔔頭....他們是否能成功拔起它呢?
How many words do you learn from this story?
Let's learn and read. 依序唸出每一個英文生字
Several minutes ago, teacher gave us one learning quiz.
Put the (V) tick in the bracket. Ready go!!!!!!!
(Song Time) - Yankee Doodle
Are we like a chorus? Exactly!!!!!! We are singing and enjoying at this moment.
嘻~~我們像不像是~~合唱團呢? 沒錯~ 我們正是一群沈浸在歌唱裡的小太陽們 ~ 口拉 口拉 口拉~~~
Yankee Doodle, Keep it up,
Yankee Doodle Dandy ~ (賣力.震憾.感性.好笑.......天真無邪.熱情奔放~)
(Happy hour)
We built our SUN-SHIP in the break. It's a successful Tuesday!!! See you
就在短暫的下課之餘,我們建造了一艘<<太陽號>>!!! 圓滿的星期二,拜拜嚕~ 嘿咻嘿咻AAAAAAA