(Reading Class) - Benny's Big Bubbles
After the reading, we reviewed the word of the story and played the bubble.
Benny's Big Bubbles故事後,我們利用字卡遊戲再複習一遍故事中的英文單字
The cat~ Moew Moew Moew~~~ 喵喵喵...貓咪
Ice cream cone....Yummy Yummy Yummy~ May I have some,please?
Hahaha, the dog~ Snoopy is a dog~ ( I was so surprised that. )
口合口合口合~ 原來史奴比是一隻狗呀!!!!
Whawhawhawha~~~(crying) I am a baby, I feel hungry~~~Mama!!!!
口圭哇哇~~~ 我肚小餓了啦!!! 媽媽...口烏嗚嗚~~~
BIG BIG BIG Bubble!!!! It belongs to ours.
(Art for black bat)- 黑蝙蝠
Black Bat~ We are going to make a black bat for you!!!!!!!
我們要來做"黑蝙蝠" .....ㄎㄎㄎㄎ
Red eyes @@ 深情的紅色電眼
Stick some spots on bat's body 再黏上一些斑點在蝙蝠身上
One more two more...and here we go!!!!!!!!!! 一個二個....再來一個
Hello, Black Bat~~ Is it cool? 很酷吧!!!! BLACK BAT!!!!
感謝快樂班Wayne的分享~ LOVE & HAPPY
快來聽故事囉~~~ PART 1 << 氣生王子 >>