(English Class)- Halloween Costume
Have you had any ideas for Halloween?
Today we are going to talk about Halloween Costume.
你已經想好萬聖節的打扮了嗎? 今天的主題也正討論有關萬聖節服裝打扮...
There are many stuffs for Halloween.
Look me, am I like a witch? 看看我,有像巫婆嗎?
Put the mask on!!! I am a skeleton sis. 戴上骷髏頭面罩....我是骷髏妹妹
Hallo, am I cute? 嗨囉~~ 我有可愛嗎?
It's a cool sward. 好酷的神劍....我帥嗎?
Jack - o' - Lantern 好可愛的南瓜燈哦~ 跟我一樣吔!!!
Don't be scary. I will be nice of you. 別害怕...我會很友善的....
Who am I ? 猜猜我是誰呀??
I can not see....I am Alex. 我是ALEX啦!!!
Spider Man is my favorite. 蜘蛛人是我的最愛....
I am a nice pirate. Do you like me? 我也是友善的...海盜,你喜歡我嗎?