(Reading Class) - Catch the bus
It's time for school!!! The cubs was late for school becauce they ....
What a hurry day!!! Let's start our story.
<<追公車>> 上課了,小熊快要遲到了啦~~ 真是急忙的一天吔,小熊們會錯過校車嗎? 讓我們開始聽故事囉~
It was seven o'clock. The alarm goes on. 七點鐘了...鬧鐘響了....但小熊們還再賴床
Mama was busy preparing breakfast so she didn't notice of the cubs.
Opus!!! You,guys were late why you were sleeping.
We should wash, dress up, comb and brush quickly. 應該快快梳洗一番了吧!!!
Breakfast is very important even we didn't have much time to enjoy it.
沒有時間可以好好享用早餐了囉 >////<
School bus was coming up. We almost missed it. 校車剛好來到....還好我們幸運追上了校車
Read it again !!!! 再唸一次故事吧 ^______^