(Science Class)- Make it move!!!!!
Lift it, I lift two hammers up.
如: 舉起物品...
Pull it. I pull the box with my little force.
拉也是一種哦!!! 運用我的一點點力氣~~~拉~~~~使箱子車移動了吔!!!
Throw it. I throw the ball with a little force.
Pedal it. The bike is moved by the pedal.
Spin it. The top is spinning. 轉陀螺時,我也用到一點點的力量"拉"繩,再牽引到陀螺,再使陀螺轉動~~~~~
The robot dog is moved by me. 用手控制機器狗....咦~若沒有我去按壓啟動,機器狗也不就動不了呀^___^