(English Class) - Animal Homes
Do you know where the animals live? 你知道動物們住在哪裡嗎?
Let's classify all animals. 先來分門別類吧~~ Animals and homes
The bats live in the cave. 蝙蝠住在山洞內吔 > M <
The fishes live in the pond. 小魚住在池塘裡
Turtle also come with the fishes in the pond. 烏龜也跟著魚兒們游到池塘內~~
Te squirrles live in the tree hollow. 松鼠住在樹洞裡
The guinea pigs live in the burrow. 天竺鼠住在洞穴裡
The spiders live with its web. 蜘蛛住在牠的蜘蛛網裡
The birds live in the nest. 小鳥住在鳥窩裡
These animals, which live in different place. 這些動物都住在不同的地方哦....
A match 讓我們再試看看~ 配對動物的家吧!!!
YA!!! We are done. 耶比~~ 我們完成了OH!!!!