(English Class) - What's wrong with you?
Are you OK? Oh~No!!!! I had a caugh and sore throat.
你還好嗎? 糟糕...我感冒了啦!!! 咳嗽又喉嚨痛.... >///<
Are you fever? 你發燒了嗎?
I feel cold.
That's why eating more vegetables and fruits is very important. "VitamineC"
Let's review!!!!! Skipping over the flash cards. 複習一下吧~ 跳跳跳...我會唸...
Runny nose..Stomachache...
Let's see who got more flash cards? 我來看看誰拿到比較多圖卡
(MPM Class)-邏輯思考動動腦
Inside and Outside 裡面與外面
Left and Right 左邊與右邊
Coloring left with blue color 左邊塗上藍色
Right is red. 右邊則是紅色囉!!!
Working-hard 很認真哦~~
It's fun to learn in MPM class. MPM邏輯數學的學習,還真有趣ㄋ!!!!